Green Bay Community Theater
Get Involved!

On Stage
Want to try acting? We have open auditions for each production. Just send us an email to be added to our actors' mailing list. Please include your name, address, phone number, and personal email address and your age and we will notify you as auditions are scheduled.

Behind the Scenes
If you have construction knowledge we need you! We also need people to help paint the set once it's built. Set building and painting are under the direction of the set designer so there's someone here to guide you. We also need people to work with props, costumes, be a crew member for a show, or learn how to run the lights and sound. Our volunteers make each production a success!

If you want to help out (and see the show!) but don’t think you’ll have time to work the run of a show, ushering is a great way to volunteer. The commitment is light, but the help is appreciated! We need ushers for every performance.
Cleaning, Organizing, and Historical Services
Our beautiful building can always use extra hands to keep it clean and organized. We need help keeping our costumes and props organized and managing our scrapbook of past productions.
If you are interested in helping us in any way contact us at:
boxoffice@gbcommunitytheater.com. We'd love to hear from you.
You can also join our private volunteers group on facebook for additional volunteer opportunities!

Did you know: We have over 50 volunteers per production! It's a great way to make friends!
Audition Information
Audition Information for the 2024-2025 Season Show 3
Auditions for The Charitable Sisterhood of the Second Trinity Victory Church
Written by: Bo Wilson
Director: Rochelle Van Erem
February 17th & 18 6:30-8:30 pm
Rehearsals Start March 4 and rehearse Sunday through Wednesday, until April 28th. April 28th will begin Tech. (Changes may occur based on casting.)
Setting: A Friday Afternoon, spring 1977 in the basement of the Second Trinity Victory Church just outside of Pennington Gap, Virginia.
(Ages for all characters are flexible. The director will cast whoever is best suited for the role.)
Note: Descriptions come from the script.
Please, take a look at the accents of the characters.
Tina Yates, "40’s, Originally from Walbrook, just outside Baltimore. She enjoys her role as the local Yankee.”
Lorraine Jensen, "late 40’s She’s lived here all her life. She has nine children, at last count.”
Bea Littleton, "late 40s to early 50’s. The wife of Pastor Hiram Littleton and happy to let you know it.
Janet Murchison, "30’s, Attractive, cultured, newly arrived from Geogia and still settling in.
Riley Reynolds, "Late 20’s. We’ll get her story in a bit."
Voice of Radio Announcer, and Deputy, any age
All character information is subject to the director’s interpretation, you can be close to the description in age and still audition.
No experience or preparation is needed to audition for a show at Green Bay Community Theater. All auditions are cold readings from the script.
Contact the box office at 920-435-6300 if you would like to arrange to borrow a script. Scripts are limited.
Auditions are held at Green Bay Community Theater, 122 N. Chestnut, Green Bay, WI

Current ushering and preshow volunteer opportunities:
Production Crew Opportunities for 2024-2025
Stage Manager (Stipend per Show), (Show 3 & 4 February and May 2025)
Are you interested in stage managing a show?
Must be available for every performance and during tech week.
Call the show and make sure everything backstage is performance ready.
Help rehearsals run smoothly
Help communicate between the different crew and design team
Take notes on what is needed
Please, contact us with your name and what position you are interested in via our email: boxoffice@gbcommunitytheater.com.
Volunteer Opportunities for 2024-2025
Poster Hang: Stop in at the office from 9 am- 1 pm Monday through Thursday to pick up posters. (Other times can be arranged.)
(POSSIBLE DATE CHANGE, WE HAD A DELAY ON MATERIALS. THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING A NEW DATE AND TIME WILL BE ANNOUNCED AS SOON AS MATERIALS COME IN.) Annual Fund Drive Mailers: Stop by Wednesday, November 6 at 10 am to help fold and stuff envelopes. We will be continuing until we are done. Snacks provided.
Raking: Stop in at the office from 9 am- 1 pm Monday through Thursday and say you would like to help us rake. This is an ongoing task in the fall until the last leaf falls from the trees.
How To Audition
We audition for shows using cold reads, which means no memorizing monologues, also it allows you to audition last minute if you decide on the spot that you would like to try out for a show. When someone auditions all they have to do is show up, fill out an audition form (you do not need any experience to audition) and read with another person on stage. We typically hold two nights of auditions so if you want to go to one, or both you can based on your schedule. We try and make the audition processes accessible for people who want to give acting a try. Typically throughout our season have 2-6+ new actors who have never been on our stage before!
We also provide a few things to help actors know when auditions are coming up and when scripts are available to check out.
There are three ways to know when auditions are coming up:
On our get involved page at gbcommunitytheater.com
On our Facebook page under events.
By getting on our Actors List. Email: boxoffice@gbcommunitytheater.com
If you cannot make it to auditions you can contact us via email, phone, or in person. We can then sometimes schedule an individual audition time chosen by the director of the show. (This however is not always possible)
Example of an Audition Form: